Get to know your external lady bits

Jan, 29, 2024

Did you know that when we talk about our vagina, we are often referring to our vulva? The vagina is actually an internal structure, like a sock that sits inside us. Everything we can see on the outside is our vulva. It’s a good idea to get to know your vulva and what is normal for you. 

Here are all of the important parts to know: 

Diagram of the vulva including the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, perineum, vestibule, urethra, vagina and anus.

The vulva has 3 entranceways or openings:

    1. The urethral opening where urine or wee comes out
    2. The vaginal entrance where menstrual blood and babies exit and where tampons (and other things) enter
    3. And of course, the anus, where poop comes out.

Mons Pubis

The hairy, fatty tissue overlying the pubic bone is called the mons pubis.


The labia majora are the large outer lips or skin folds, usually covered in hair (unless you choose to wax or shave). They are the defenders, designed to protect the urethra and vagina.

The labia minora are the hair-free inner lips. 

It is important to highlight here that labia come in all shapes and sizes (trust me, I have seen my fair share by now!). It is sad to hear that many women see their doctor as they think their labia are abnormal based on airbrushed images they have seen online. Some even go as far as to have surgery called labiaplasty. I would highly recommend checking out the Labia Library. It is a photo gallery showing a wide range of what ‘normal’ labia look like.


The space between the labia minora is the vestibule where the openings of the urethra and vagina are located. You may have heard of vestibulodynia which refers to chronic pain and tenderness in this area. 


The perineum is the area between the vagina and anus. When we talk about perineal tears in labour, we are referring to tears in this area.


Last but certainly not least is the clitoris which deserves a blog post of its own. It is the pleasure centre for females. The glans is the only part of the clitoris you can see which is protected by the hood. The rest of the clitoris extends inside the body and is shaped like a wish bone.

If you own a vulva, I encourage you to get a mirror out and have a look down there. This beautiful mirror was designed by pelvic health physio Brooke Dobó for this exact purpose.

It can be quite confronting looking at your vulva for the first time. This link from the Jean Hailes website takes you through exactly how to self-check your vulva so you pick up any changes that might need to be checked by a doctor. It is recommended that you self-check your vulva along with your breasts on the first day of every month so that you remember.

Let’s get to it!

Courtney x

P.S. For some reason, in our family, we called our vulva ‘Mary.’ So weird. Comment below what you called your vulva as a kid!

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    30 January 2024

    Well done Courtney, we are all very proud of you.

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