Hi, I'm Courtney. I'm a pelvic health physio based in Brisbane.

After graduating in 2017, I went straight into private practice treating the usual things like sore backs and ankle sprains. I had wanted to be a physio since I was 15 but I wasn’t really enjoying it and often thought about doing something else.

Then in 2019, I did an intro women’s health course and fell in love with the area. Since then, I have spent countless hours doing further training and education. I can’t get enough!

In 2022, I got my dream job working full time at a specialist women’s health practice All Women’s Health. Now I only see vaginas and couldn’t be happier!

One of the things I love most about my job is teaching women about their amazing anatomy, menstrual cycle, bladder and bowel function, pregnancy, birth and more. Over the last few years, I can’t tell you how many times women have said to me, “I wish I had known this,” or “Why don’t we get taught this?” 

It was comments like these that inspired me to create Lady Business – a blog dedicated to all the women’s health topics we don’t talk about enough. 

If you are experiencing painful sex, incontinence, constipation or prolapse, trust me when I say, these issues are super common and you are not alone! 

For such a long time, women have had their symptoms brushed aside. They have been told their period pain is normal for example, or to accept leakage as ‘just part of being a mum’ or to ‘have a glass of wine’ before sex.

Luckily, times are changing. Women are doing their own research and starting to advocate for themselves. More women are also being proactive about their pelvic health and getting advice, particularly in pregnancy, to avoid issues in the future. 

We are really lucky to live in a day and age where we have access to so much information online and on our Instagram feeds which our mums and grandmothers didn’t have. The downside is that it can be confusing and hard to know if the information is reliable. 

That’s why my mission is to empower you with up-to-date, evidence based education, while also having some fun along the way!

Feel free to comment and reach out! I’d love to hear your thoughts so that we can start the conversation about topics that have historically been taboo. 

I hope you enjoy learning about your ‘lady business’ as much as I do! 

Courtney x

my training

    • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) – University of Queensland
    • Introductory Women’s Health Physiotherapy – Women’s Health Training Associates (WHTA)
    • Women’s Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Level 2 – Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)
    • Advanced Pelvic Floor: Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence – WHTA
    • Advanced Pelvic Floor: Exercise, Sport and Musculoskeletal Dysfunction – WHTA
    • Advanced Pelvic Floor: Pelvic Floor Pain Disorders – WHTA
    • Advanced Pelvic Floor: Birth Choices – WHTA
    • Advanced Pelvic Floor: Overactive Bladder – WHTA
    • Lactation for Health Professionals – Inform Physiotherapy
    • Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training Rehab Series – Polestar Pilates

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