How to harness your cycle superpowers: autumn

Apr, 05, 2024

We have made it to the final season in the menstrual cycle. After riding the high of your summer, this phase can come as a rude shock. One minute you are nailing at life, the next you feel like throwing in the towel. Welcome to your autumn phase…

Autumn phase: Pre-menstruation (~day 22-28)

Your body has clocked that you won’t be making a baby this month. Hormone levels rapidly decline, along with all of your energy and motivation. This phase typically gets a bad wrap. And it’s true, it can be a challenging week. You may experience mood swings, tender breasts, bloating, breakouts, fatigue and other pre-menstrual symptoms. But don’t despair. There are some superpowers in the autumn phase just waiting to be unveiled…

Graph demonstrating the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.


Call out the crap

There’s a lot of stigma around PMS and periods. Women are often labelled as being ‘ridiculous,’ ‘irrational’ and ‘overly dramatic’ around this time of the month. Because of this, when we get angry or upset about something, we are quick to dismiss our feelings and blame it on hormones. But have you ever stopped to think that maybe you aren’t crazy? Maybe you have every right to be annoyed. Maybe you have been putting up with something all month long and finally had enough… 

In your summer phase, you see the good in everything and everyone. In your autumn, the rose-tinted glasses come off and everything comes into razor-sharp focus. Now you can spot the crap and aren’t willing to stand for it. 

For example, most of the time, I think the sun shines out of my husband Bobby’s a**. But, of course, Bobby is only human and he has his faults. Any wrongdoings on his part usually fly under my radar, until this phase, when I see the light and call him out on it (much to Bobby’s surprise). 

You are the fiercest and, quite possibly, realest version of yourself this week. Embrace this and who knows, it may just end up being your favourite phase in the cycle! (Maybe not for those around you). 

Channel the fury 

If there are any causes close to your heart, you can really dig deep and use this phase to do some good. Channel the anger and start a petition, raise money for charity or lobby government officials. The world could do with more pre-menstrual women who aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in. 


I know my period is coming when no matter how much I eat, I can’t seem to satisfy my appetite. That’s because our metabolism is in overdrive this week. The hunger is real people, so don’t deprive yourself!

Let it out

As we have already established, some big feelings can come bubbling to the surface in this phase. Red, angry, burning-hot feelings. If you try to keep a lid on them, they will boil over eventually so try to let off some steam by: 

    • having a good cry
    • writing out your feelings in a journal
    • singing at the top of your lungs
    • dancing it out 

This phase for me conjures up images of Cameron Diaz dancing to ‘Mr Brightside’ by the Killers in the movie ‘The Holiday.’ (Watch a clip here). 

sweat it out

You can also work through some of these feelings by exercising. Do a boxing class, go for a run or lift weights. If your energy is low, do a yoga class or go for a walk. While it may be the last thing you feel like doing, you will feel better after. 

give yourself a break

In our summer phase, we have a full cup and more than happy to put everyone else’s needs before our own. While society would have us believe we should, trying to keep this up all month long is not sustainable. You will eventually crack under the pressure. So give yourself a break this week. Get those frozen meals out and call in a favour for a play date. 

Time time out 

Whatever you got done this month, let that be enough. Take some time out for yourself. Cycle educator Lucy Peach calls pre-menstruation the ‘take’ phase for this very reason. 

Let your loved ones know your availability is limited. Turn off your notifications or set your phone to ‘do not disturb.’ Cycle coach Claire Baker recommends uninstalling all of your addictive apps as well.

Set boundaries 

Decide carefully who you will spend your time with. Remember, your cup is emptying fast. Avoid people who will drain those last few precious drops. 

I used to hate making social plans because I would hardly ever feel like going on the day. After learning about my cycle, I realised I was probably saying, ‘Hell yes!’ in my summer phase when I was feeling social and outgoing. Then the event would end up in my autumn when I wanted to withdraw and be alone. Now I plan ahead. If I suspect I will end up trying to cancel last minute, I say, ‘No thank you’ in advance. If it is something I have to go to, I try to give myself some buffer time afterwards to recharge my social battery. It’s still a work in progress!

Get creative

You have the potential to be really creative and productive in this phase if you give yourself the space to do things you love. Whether that’s painting, gardening, photography, baking, writing or dancing. You may just find you do your best work!

Have a clear out

Don’t be alarmed if you feel the urge to throw everything out this week. You are getting ready to shed your endometrial lining and start again. It’s the perfect time to take stock of your life and work out what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. Use this phase to: 

    • declutter your desk
    • clean out the fridge
    • cull your wardrobe
    • delete old photos off your phone
    • clear your inbox 

As well as junk, you can also get rid of any emotional baggage you have been holding onto. Maybe there is a friend who always puts your down or a bad habit you have gotten into. When your winter phase comes, you can let it all go.   


Inner critic

Use this phase to edit your work and put the finishing touches on any projects while you have an eye for detail and a critical lens. But go gentle on yourself. You are prone to self-doubt and comparison in this phase. Avoid scrolling through Instagram. If you hear your inner critic chime in, go back to the list you made in your summer phase and remember how amazing you are! 


I know I am pre-menstrual when little things start to annoy me. Like having to wait longer in a queue or going to make a cup of tea in the morning and discovering there’s no milk in the fridge…

Your fuse is much shorter in this phase. If something sets you off, remember to breathe and count to 10. (Or 20). Warn your loved ones to stay out of the firing line. If you do blow up, be sure to apologise but cut yourself some slack. Jean Hailes has resources to help you cope if you find this week particularly difficult. 


It’s normal to feel more sensitive and vulnerable in this phase. Don’t go launching your passion project or having any difficult conversations. Save that for summer when feedback will be more welcome.

Your pain threshold is also much lower. No Brazilian waxes this week! Reschedule for your spring or summer phases instead. 

Soon it will be time to retreat back to your period cave. Stock up on dark chocolate and period products and get ready to settle in for winter

Spotting is a sign that your period is on its way. If this week is particularly hard for you, the arrival of your period may come as a relief. If you haven’t been keeping track, your period may take you by surprise and suddenly, it all makes sense. What felt like the end of the world yesterday doesn’t seem quite so bad anymore…

Everybody experiences their seasons differently and has their own unique superpowers and challenges. That’s why it is important to get to know your own flow and start to track your menstrual cycle

Courtney x

P.S. How have you enjoyed learning about your cycle superpowers? Comment below!

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