So far we have covered the winter phase of your menstrual cycle – a time for rest and restoration. We then moved onto the spring phase. You marched on out of the period cave and climbed up and up and up. Finally, you have made it to the top of the mountain or the summer phase. This is the season to celebrate!
Summer: ovulation (~day 14-21)
Ovulation is the summit of the menstrual cycle. Hormone levels are peaking which can make you feel as though you are on top of the world. If there is one phase where you can ‘do it all,’ this is it. With more energy in the tank, you can afford to work longer hours and wear all the hats. You are practically superwoman. Your superpower? To give to those around you. That’s why cycle educator Lucy Peach calls it the ‘give’ phase.
Express yourself
You are less likely to care what anyone else thinks in this phase. So wear the bright lipstick and your fabulous new outfit. It’s ok to be a little bit ‘extra’ this week.
Remember that new idea or project you came up with in your winter? Hopefully you planted the seeds in your spring phase. Your summer is where you can go all in and bring your creation to life. Once it’s ready, use this phase to launch your project and share your idea with the world! If you need to do any social media or public speaking events, schedule them for this time when you are happier being in the spotlight.
Treat yourself
If you normally overthink every purchase, go ahead and splurge this week. Buy yourself some flowers. If you see a pair of shoes you have to have, get them. If you’re a shopaholic, on the other hand, Lucy recommends putting your credit card away. Research has shown we are prone to overspending in this half of the cycle!
It’s easy to get caught up in our own world sometimes. Use this time to check in with your friends. If you know anyone going through a hard time, reach out and let them know you are there if they need.
If you’re a mum, offer to do the school/sport drop offs or arrange a play date this week while your cup is full. Another mum can return the favour next week.
Biologically speaking, this phase is all about preparing for a potential pregnancy. It’s thought that we are more motivated to give generously and make connections, which in return, would support and benefit us if we were to fall pregnant.
Buy gifts
Are you like me and find it hard to know what to say in cards? Do you struggle finding the perfect gift for someone? Now is the time to buy presents for any upcoming birthdays and pre-write in cards while your heart is full.
Make the most of feeling social and plan to spend this time with your loved ones. Visit your grandparents. Organise a picnic or hike with friends. I personally love a games night…
Make friends
It can be hard to make new friends as an adult but it’ll be much easier in this phase if you feel more confident and outgoing. Join a dance class or a running group. If you’re lucky enough to live in Melbourne, Ash Ormond, a physio and health coach has started a walking club for women in their 20s and 30s. They go for ‘slay strolls’ every Sunday. Find out more here.
play with your kids
This phase is perfect for spending extra quality time with your kids. Do an arts and crafts project together or go on a family outing. You will have much more patience and energy to give.
Shower your partner with affection
If you have been too busy ‘doing’ and neglecting your partner, now is the time to show them some love and attention. Plan a date night or a weekend away. It helps that your libido is probably much higher….They will also be more understanding then when you start to retreat back to your ‘period cave.’
Put yourself out there
If you’re single, get ready to mingle! You are in the prime of your summer and feeling fabulous so put yourself out there and go on some dates.
Do you have your eye on someone special? Tell them how you feel! (Worked for me). They may not feel the same way but you will be less heart broken in this phase.
Practice gratitude
You see the world through rose-tinted glasses in your summer phase. Make the most of this natural positivity and write down all of the things you are grateful for and any small wins worth celebrating this month. You can come back to this list in your autumn phase when you aren’t feeling quite so optimistic…
Get cooking
Do you love to bake? Whip up some tasty treats to share with your family or work colleagues. This is also a great time to pre-cook and freeze meals ready for your autumn and winter phases (when you probably won’t feel like cooking).
Have difficult conversations
If you need to have a heart-to-heart with someone, now is the time. You more ready listen, empathise and take on any constructive criticism.
Lucy says to use your powers of persuasion in this phase to ask for what you need. Whether it’s a pay rise at work or more help around the house, you will have more chance of getting it while your confidence is at an all-time high.
Every superhero needs a sidekick. Reach out and ask to collaborate with someone on your project. Seek help from a mentor. Network and starting building relationships. What have you got to lose? As cycle coach Claire Baker says, work your ‘people prowess!’
You will want to say ‘yes’ to everything this week. Be careful not to agree to things you might regret later. Remember, it’s ok to say no!
Giving it all away
While you are feeling this good, it is easy to keep on giving and giving until you wind up exhausted. Remember to save some of that summer lovin’ for yourself!
Most of us would happily stay in this phase all month long. But what goes up must come down. Soon, you will be making your way back down the mountain. Be sure to tie up any loose ends before you do, because you are not going to feel like doing anything difficult in this next phase…
Courtney x